Tuesday, February 19, 2008

two posts in one day you luck shmuks

ok so i need to clear up some confusion before i go on. our hostel is acutely in verres which is part of the Aosta valley. however there is an Aosta in the Aosta valley. and we went there today. we tried to take a train to Aosta at 10:30 but it was a no show, so we climbed a mountain to a castle instead. no big deal this town of Verres is smaller than UMASS and is nestled in the hot cleavage of the French/Italian Alps, and it has like 4 castles in or around it . i made another panoramic photo but i must say that it still gives no justice. the problem is that these mountains are close so they are right in your face, and when you splice the photos together it just makes it look like they are far away in one direction. keep in mind that this is almost a full 180 and that it took 7 pictures. ok here:

so after all that castle storming we jumped train to the city of Aosta around 1 and off we went.

talk about love at first sandwich god damn, and Neil will agree with me on this: take a fresh baget slap some good brie cheese on there and meat that i could only describe as really thin bacon toast it and enjoy. make sure you sit in the sun outside a small cafe with this view:

I only took a few picture there because i was enjoying myself so much. there where a few roman ruines and stuff but really i think it was just a beautiful day and it was so cool just to sit and watch the bustle of the town. now i am not putting down Rome or Florence, but i think Aosta might have been what i was looking for this whole trip. i didnt even know i was looking for anything until today. any way we leave for Venice at 8:00 am and i am rather exited.

while it is on my mind i would like to send some serious love to Dev for the little going away gift bag. that portable cup may be the most useful thing i took to this boot-like country.

ok well it is lateish and i am drunkish off of Aosta wine so for now Ciao!

p.s. we had wireless for the fist time here thats why you got 2 posts. i cant promise the same for Venice so dont get used to it.

All my Love

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

yay!!! wow i feel spoiled....STOP SPOILING US!!!! haha are you guys going to drink wine and ride on the gondola?!?! awww so romantic!

i didn't get to see any castles when i was there....hope that you took some pictures of them!

don't party too hard!!! save some partying for back here!!!